The same in Italy. They are als called "Para-Farmacie" (Para-Pharmacy").
Useful tag, indeed. It can focus the research of the closer (Para)Pharmacy
either you have a prescription or not.


> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da:
> []per conto di Greg Troxel
> Inviato: sabato 9 maggio 2009 0.28
> A: Adam Schreiber
> Cc:; Paul Johnson
> Oggetto: Re: [OSM-talk] dispensing pharmacy considered confusing
> Adam Schreiber <> writes:
> >> My understanding is that dispensing=yes on a pharmacy would be a
> >> pharmacy where you can get a prescription filled.
> >
> > Yes, but here in the US you wouldn't call anything where you couldn't
> > get a prescription filled a pharmacy so the dispensing tag is
> > redundant.  I think that's what he's getting at.
> Exactly.  I now understand from "UK Pharmacist" that there are a
> non-negligible number of places in the UK which have licensed
> pharmacists who can sell an intermediate class of items between the US
> "over the counter" and "prescriptions".


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