> Except it's not a geographic area, but rather a set of streets with that
>  restriction. If a bridge or tunnel without the restriction goes
>  over/under a street with the restriction you'll have a problem.

In that case, that bridge can have differen speed limits set directly
on the way. Just define that tags on individual ways override tags set
in the zone and this will solve the issue.

> So while it may work for many zonal restrictions to use an area
>  (although even then there are still issues) you need another way as
>  well due to the bridge/tunnel issue, and that other mehod can only be
>  relations.

I've seen many zones with some limitations (mostly speed limit or some
parking limitations), but such zones rarely contain any bridges or
tunnels. If they do, they can be either tagged individually, or we can
also make new relation that will contain the zone and roads that are
NOT in the zone (relation containing those few exceptions like the
bridges, tunnels, etc ... so they won't need individual tagging)


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