>  "In addition to actively pursuing further experiments for the MOD and BNSC,
>  the consortium is also seeking new applications to which the technology can
>  be applied."
>  i.e. it's as much a research project as a commercial operation... so maybe
>  your idea of "let's just ask them" could work.

Perhaps they can give us some photography from times when the
satellite is idle (moving over areas where nobody wants currently
photography of them) either for free or at some reduced cost....

> Sound great, but in the mean time we can of course buy commercial photography
> including the right to derive mapping at a cost of about $17 per sq km

So if we manage to photograph over 2300 square km of area of our
choice in the week of rented satellite, then the satellite would end
up being cheaper (and more up to date) than commercial photography. I
guess that could be worth it.


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