On Mon, 6 Jul 2009, Valent Turkovic wrote:

> I'm really impressed with what you have done, it is amazing!

Thanks :D I honestly don't know if it is sarcasm or not :D

> How can others who wish to join start contributing aerial photos?

I think the best would be to submit rectified photo's with a World file;

If you submit them both to ftp://openstreetphoto.org/ (just create a
userdir) and ping back, one of us will update the mapfile and the photo's
are present.

> How to stitch aerial photos into maps?

In that case we can just use standard off the shell mechanisms such as
mapserver to render a WMS layer. I think Milo loaded the 'lite' version of
the free NASA dataset now in the WMS.

There is another part that can be interesting that is the actual stiching
of multiple datasources into something 'really' pretty. Using
hugin. But related to the rectifying process there are still some bounties
to be set.


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