Hi, I have a problem with many of the recent relations I've created in 
JOSM. In the past I didn't have a problem. Here is an example:


This shows a single way in a relation that is supposed to be a closed 
loop of several ways. Only the first way has been rendered and the 
renderer assumed the end of the way connected back to the beginning.

Here is the relation:


This is how I created the relation:

   - Selected all the ways
   - Created a new relation
   - Added selected ways to relation
   - Split ways larger than 2000 nodes into smaller ways

One thing that strunk we was that in recent versions of JOSM it no 
longer shows anything in the linked column. It also doesn't appear 
possible to edit this column.

The validator may have warned of duplicate nodes which I fixed before 
uploading the data. Perhaps they were needed? If so how do I add them 
back in?

Any ideas on how I can fix this?

thanks, Andy

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