2009/7/29 Arlindo Pereira <nig...@nighto.net>:
> Hi there,
> here in Brazil, and in most of Latin America as I can see on Wikipedia [1],
> so-called "motels" are short-time hotels or "love hotels", differing from
> the original concept in english (hotel for drivers). Do you think that we
> should tag them differently (such as amenity=lovehotel or whatever,
> tourism=lovehotel doesn't seems to fit) or keep it tourism=motel?
> It's a thin line, because some love hotels ("motels" here) call themselves
> "hotels" but everyone (the locals) knows that they are, in fact, love
> hotels.
> 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motel#Short-time

do you pay them on a short time basis or could you stay there the
whole night for the same price? If it's the first, I would tag them
differently, otherwise I think they could be tagged like normal


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