On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Mike Harris<mik...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> The problem is that some of us follow the wiki advice re designated= which
> was developed after a lot of discussion in this group!
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:access%3Ddesignated
> Designated= does not mean signed. Signed= could of course be an additional
> tag - so long as we know what the sign means e.g. for routing or even for
> simple access. We would have to distinguish between signed= 'public
> footpath', signed= 'permissive path' path - and even signed= 'private'. But
> we already have tags and a working system that does all of this. If it ain't
> broke don't fix it?

I'm a little concerned that there's no way to indicate "signed". You
said designated does not mean signed. Also, according to the wiki,
""Offical" is only for ways marked with a legal traffic sign."

What is a "legal traffic sign"? Is a "legal traffic sign" just a "traffic sign"?

Could the definition of "official" be simplified to "signed"?? If not,
what would be the difference between bicycle=official and

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