John Smith wrote
>> So using the same tag would only result in making
>> evaluating (and tagging) the conveyor=* tag required.
> Which already happens with those pushing path tags instead of footway etc... 
> highway=path, foot=designated...

No, it doesn't happen there. Evaluating access tags is already necessary
for highway=footway, too (bicycle=yes etc.), so path doesn't require
evaluating additional tagging.

> So I don't see that as a good enough reason to have multiple highway tags.

Nobody suggested "multiple highway tags". The highway tag currently only
contains features that are relevant for routing pedestrians or vehicles,
and I prefer it to stay like that. Things like pipelines or goods
conveyors don't belong into this category.

What's the disadvantage of using highway=conveyor and man_made=conveyor
for human vs goods conveyors? If there isn't any, then how can a reason
not be "good enough" to do it?

Tobias Knerr

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