On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Pieren<pier...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And yes, I'm expecting fast reactions from the admins

You're a gold-level member of the OSMF, right? Y'know, the level that
means your annual membership fee is the same cost as a full time admin
to do your beck and call, right?

Didn't think so.

> until a real
> "revert in one click" is possible from the interface like in
> wikipedia.

You'll be waiting a loooooonnnnnnngggggg time for that then. Unless
you have some l33t h4x0rz skills you're willing to share? After all,
everyone else who's worked on revert code has consistently said on
these mailing lists "oh yeah, a revert button would be trivial, I'll
do it tomorrow". Oh, wait, no we didn't.

I understand what it's like dealing with vandals, so I know why your
annoyed. But please don't start demanding stuff on the mailing lists
from other volunteers, admins or not, it's not going to get anything


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