On Monday 30 November 2009 22:09:10 Martin Fossdal Guttesen wrote:
> I would agree that it is more like a Causeway jugding from the wikipedia
> article and images, but i cant find any tag for that, and i dont think it
> would render on the map

There are only twelve occurrences of man_made=causeway in the database. AFAIK 
there is no documentation for it and the tag isn't recognised by anything. 
This however are not really compelling reasons against using the tag.

I think it is more important that a causeway and an embankment are constructed 
in the same way and serve the same purpose, they only differ in their 
environment. If we'd be using another language than English for tagging, 
there would be a fair chance they are called by the same name.

So I would use embankment=yes.


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