Somehow I feel that in the final voting OSM contributors will have two
choices: Yes or No. Reason is merely rational. When you vote in
precidential election you are not asked WHY do you want to give your
vote for your candidate. It is the same with the election about the new
licence, it does not matter why you say YES. Therefore this first and
only possibility in the whole history of OSM for collecting reliable,
guaranteed one-vote-per-OSM-username information about what the mappers
really think will not be utilised. It would be only confusing to have
more options like in the opinion poll at

Just rational reasons.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

> From: SteveC <steve <at>>
> Subject: Re: [Announce] OSMF license change vote has started
> Newsgroups: gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap
> Date: 2009-12-08 19:08:04 GMT (12 hours and 28 minutes ago)
> > The amount of people wanting to go PD with their data is probably
> > inverse to the amount of people to want to keep viral.
> Sigh. Based on what? Based on that crappy poll? You have to be
> The universe doesn't only consist only of PD people on this list you
> There's a ton of people who are pro-SA and they tend to be the more
> rational ones who can't be bothered with yet another dumb poll or to 
> comment back whenever someone brings up some pseudo-legal argument 
> based on their 'university of life' education.
> > So try to win the
> > battles you can win, otherwise maybe the best way forward is to ask
> > users if /any fork/ could continue with PD/CC0.
> I would love to watch a PD fork slowly die. Please start one.

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