2010/2/2 Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>:
> Essentially, you tag according to the "duck test" - if it quacks like a
> duck, looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck....
> 'highway=cycleway' is just like this. It's a meaningful object.....
> It means a
> path with physical characteristics that can accommodate a bike, where bikes
> and pedestrians are permitted, and motor traffic is banned.

this is valid for England and maybe Scotland and Wales (and probably
some other countries), but it is not working on a worldwide basis.
Your definition would in most of central Europe not be functioning:
routers would lead pedestrians in areas where they are not allowed to
walk (cycleways). Nobody would tag them with foot=no because it's
obvious ;-) that you can't walk there. foot=yes would be the

When you write about meaning you should keep in mind that what seems
obvious for you isn't for someone with a different background, but he
might rather think that the opposite is obvious.

> they don't want to. But again, if you want to refine it, you can. You can
> have 'highway=cycleway; foot=no' if that's the case.

don't tag redundant stuff, just highway=cycleway; foot=yes would be
worth a second tag...

Actually I wasn't writing about the best way to tag cycleways.


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