On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Ian Mc Shane <ianmcsh...@live.co.za> wrote:
> From what I understand the openstreetmap.org map is purely for show and not
> meant to be THE place to view all the data... its up to other groups to show
> what they want e.g. cloudmade, cyclemap, etc...

Yup, this is absolutely right. Data first, users (including renderers!) second.

> Maybe one day we will have "pipemap.org" showing us the world of pipes that
> live beneath our world but that is up to "pipemap.org" and not necessarily
> openstreetmap.org

Funny you should mention that, because it already exists!:

> I found it documented here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#What_shall_I_do_for_roads_that_have_multiple_values_for_a_tag.3F.

Ah, well spotted.

> Multiple values separated by semicolons by far seems to me the simplest way
> to denote multiple values for a single key with less worry that keys will be
> overused.

I guess. There's advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.

> Thanks for the feedback so far, it has been a learning experience.

No problem :) Oh, by the way, I just noticed that this thread has been
on t...@openstreetmap.org. In future, for tagging-related stuff,
please post to tagg...@openstreetmap.org (so those uninterested in
tagging threads can ignore them). Cheers.

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