I have been very busy (and very put off) recently, so have not read EVERY 
posting on this topic but I would like to respond on the specific issue of an 
entry level editor.
I can understand where people are coming from (Steve C included), can 
understand where they might be going, but really don't like the road that is 
being travelled - viz language/tone/factions/points scoring etc.
And this next bit is directed specifically at Steve C:
Have you considered a different approach? Given that it is probably accepted 
that an entry level editor would be a "good thing" why not work towards it in a 
more positive way. It is quite possible that you are hearing from loads of 
people that Potlatch is a (considerable) barrier to entry to working on the 
data entry. I am not actually sure anyone has ever claimed that PL WAS the 
answer to this particular matter. I also would just say that for me and my way 
of working (and yes I know I have a particular level of knowledge that I 
already bring to bear so am not a good case study) Potlatch is a very 
comfortable editor to work with, and am pleased with the way it has been 
developed, and have confidence that PL2 will build on this.
It is evident that you have excellent networking abilities, credibility in the 
wider community, loads of energy, and (perhaps) an understanding of what is 
required. Why not ask these people you meet to help formulate a brief for said 
entry level system (even using the dreaded focus groups to do so). Why not then 
network with some folk who might be in a position to look at the brief and then 
approach someone (or more) to actually tackle the task, meanwhile acting as 
project manager to guide it through all the stages that will happen - concept, 
UI, testing, tweaking, etc (I am no project manager, so excuse ignorance here).
Come up with a good result and it will surely be adopted by the project. You 
will receive considerable kudos if you can help deliver that result, and we 
will have a better project for it, with hopefully more people data inputting 
Think on it.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org on behalf of Michal Migurski 
        Sent: Wed 24/02/2010 15:47 
        To: Talk Openstreetmap 
        Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Thoughts on OSM design, and looking forward and 

        On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:21 AM, SteveC wrote:
        >> You believe that feedback is a good thing, but, it seems, only if the
        >> feedback confirms your own ideas. You have railed against the UI,
        >> against hard-working volunteer contributors and against anyone who
        >> disagrees with you, who's left?
        > Oh that's easy - the vast majority of people out there who use the 
        > site every day.
        Steve, you keep saying some variation of this, but at some point 
        you're going to need to Show Us The Newbies. These disembodied, 
        confused masses have to be given their own voice, because I don't 
        think that the way you invoke their opinions here is particularly 
        credible. You're summarizing their opinions when I think a much more 
        effective way to make your point might be to come back with specific 
        things about the site they found confusing, and what they were trying 
        to do when they got confused, and *whether people who try to do those 
        things are the audience that OpenStreetMap is built to serve*.
        If you don't do this, it will continue to seem like you're 
        paraphrasing phantom newbies to support what's basically a turf war 
        here on the list.
        > And I don't think I particularly railed against the volunteers, it's 
        > almost exclusively about the crappy UI. And it is crappy. I don't 
        > know why everyone has such a hard time admitting that, the sooner we 
        > do, the sooner we can fix it.
        You're definitely railing against volunteers. I don't get involved on 
        this list much, but I read it when I can and I've honestly been 
        shocked at your combative and frankly rude tone. Fix it, get help, 
        whatever, but do it soon.
        On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:41 AM, SteveC wrote:
        > So, note everyone, Andy agrees but we just disagree on the 
        > implementation. I think we need a step change as PL1 has been 
        > sitting around for multiple years, things like a freeze to make sure 
        > it happens. Andy believes the softly softly approach.
        PL1 has visibly improved in the years that I've been using it. It's 
        got problems, sure, but the plain dumb fact of the matter is that 
        editing vectors and tending metadata is a *complicated and difficult 
        interface problem*. Adobe Illustrator has a similar basic feature set 
        to what a general purpose OSM editor needs, and it takes designers 
        months if not years to learn how to use it. OSM layers on the 
        additional complication of negotiated key/value metadata that's 
        frequently invisible. Vector editing is hard. Metadata is hard. OSM is 
        It seems clear to me that another general purpose editor is not going 
        to solve the newbie editing problem. It also seems clear to me that 
        Potlatch fills an important niche in the project, in that there's 
        nothing else at a comparable level of completeness that I can use in a 
        web browser.
        It also seems clear to me that segmenting the audience into consumers 
        of the map and producers of the map is worthwhile, so I appreciate 
        your work with the Peruvian designer who simplified the design of the 
        site. The reason people here are questioning that proposal is that 
        it's not exactly clear what specific deficiencies it's addressing - 
        it's just kinda simpler, closer in appearance to maps.google.com, 
        , and maps.yahoo.com.
        So, here's a constructive suggestion on how to move forward. You need 
        to expose the newbie voice directly, and you need to communicate which 
        newbie activities are the ones you would like for OSM to support. I 
        think there's a path in OSM, from using the map (e.g. Haiti), to 
        fixing a problem (e.g. bumping into Potlatch for the first time when 
        you see a street name is wrong), to proactive involvement.
        If you can articulate what it is that all these people get hung up on, 
        then you will engage specific feedback. Right now, all I'm hearing is 
        "Potlatch sucks" invoking the difficulty of the codebase and problems 
        getting Richard to work on what you want. This is all back office 
        stuff, nobody in the outside world cares and AS3 or version control! 
        Make a case for improvements to the UI of Potlatch.
        I'll close with this excerpt from a recent conversation I had with 
        Stamen's creative director Eric, about his time working on a mountain 
        climbing project at the late 90's sports website Quokka.com:
                "We had people in for user testing, under two scenarios. The 
        the event was just getting started, we brought them in cold, showed 
        them the stuff, asked them what we could do better. They tore it 
        apart: the text was too small, the expectations weren't clear, they 
        didn't know what to click on. To a person all of them said they'd 
        never come back to visit.
                The second scenario, we paid people $5/day to visit the site, 
        event was already going on, and asked them to come in after a week. 
        After asking them a few basic questions to verify that they'd actually 
        visited the site, we asked them what we could do better. The 
        suggestions were constructive, delightful, helpful. When asked whether 
        they'd come back, basically all of them said yes that they'd be back 
        every day to check in until the summit had been reached."
        michal migurski- m...@stamen.com
        talk mailing list

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