On 30 March 2010 13:27, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That doesn't make something illegal and google are free to send him a
> C&D if they feel up to it, but that's civil contract law.

Ok, so it's not automatically a crime but it's still fair to say it
isn't legal if you take obeying the TOS as a requirement which most
people do.  And if they send that guy a C&D he'll be responsible of
ceasing to distribute the tiles as well as repair damage caused (or at
least stop damage happening) to Google if they say so, which may
include informing all people who downloaded the tiles, all people who
downloaded OSM data created by tracing over them, then their
customers, etc etc., and if he can't do that then the court decides
what he has to do.


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