On 30 March 2010 14:10, andrzej zaborowski <balr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30 March 2010 13:27, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That doesn't make something illegal and google are free to send him a
>> C&D if they feel up to it, but that's civil contract law.
> Ok, so it's not automatically a crime but it's still fair to say it
> isn't legal if you take obeying the TOS as a requirement which most
> people do.  And if they send that guy a C&D he'll be responsible of
> ceasing to distribute the tiles as well as repair damage caused (or at
> least stop damage happening) to Google if they say so, which may
> include informing all people who downloaded the tiles, all people who
> downloaded OSM data created by tracing over them, then their
> customers, etc etc., and if he can't do that then the court decides
> what he has to do.

Oops, he's not redistributing the tiles, I misunderstood GoogleWMS as
an actual WMS he hosts...

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