> There are several suggestions for the front page here.  Some of them
> have already been implemented.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Main_Page
> Since you are advocating a substantial redesign perhaps you could
> draft something?  I'm certain that the current designers weren't
> aiming for game-like, messy or distracting use of colo(u)r.
> SteveC suggested a draft design change for www.openstreetmap.com a
> short while ago.  Several folks collaborated on a wiki front page a
> few years back, but that was only adopted at http://openstreetmap.ca/
> What do you have in mind?

I don't have any design skills (except perhaps, with textiles).
It would not be helpful for OSM if I redesigned the front page.
While I can point out wiki front pages that "work" or "don't work" that is
probably the limit of my ability.

Please could those who do understand design step forward?

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