On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Oliver (skobbler)
<osm.oliver.ku...@gmx.de> wrote:
> We have no idea what our financial needs are in the next year
> because we haven't set any goals for next year.

That's a complete non-sequitur. As I said in my email it's
straightforward to make plans for the future without needing a "goal".
These plans can, and should, be based on what's happening, and
therefore what we plan/expect will happen in the future. The sysadmins
can and do plan for when we need to purchase new hardware, and what it
needs to be, to accommodate our projected growth. None of which needs
some goal of the "we want to be the leading provider of whatnot" type.

> But please give us money as
> we might need some."?

If that's how you are characterising the OSMF - if it doesn't have
your "stategic goals" - then bear in mind you're insulting a lot of
people who have successfully run OpenStreetMap for the last few years.

Now don't take it from what I've said that having a goal would be
somehow a bad thing, but your suggestions that we *need* a goal and we
can't be successful or do planning or anything else without one is
simply wrong.


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