output is very rough. You should see a map of the area on the left and a list of Points Of Interest on the right. The list of POIs includes nodes and ways,
if you click on the name of a node it'll show you the location on the map.

When clicking on a node, it would be handy to show the location on the map on the left side.

I plan to filter out some more of the more borrowing nodes and ways. I'm
mostly interested in shops, restaurants, amenities and stations.

I have started using OSM data and have a general request for EVERYONE writing filters and queries for restaurants: although OSM has a handy classification amenity=fast_food, provide an option to group this category with amenity=restaurant , cuisine=all. I've seen this separated in almost all OSM POI browsers, and it's very awkward and unintuitive to have the fast_food filter separate, or worse, buried under a completely different filter tree than restaurants.

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