Jaak Laineste <jaak.laineste <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I don't really see how someone can even have the idea (or argument)
> that map is just a database of facts.
>  I'd suggest a simple technical test for "is X an art or fact".
> 1. ask two persons to create the X.
> 2. store it to a digital file, and make diff of the files.
> Only if you can get "no differences" then this was a pure fact. I am
> sure that mapping (like e.g. photography) will fail the test, even
> without trying it out.
I like this test because it will make things easy. No fuzzy shades of grey like
some Richard is suggesting. Can you give an example of a thing that is done by a
human being and that is not art by this definition?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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