On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 5:40 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/1/24 Sebastian Klein <basti...@googlemail.com>:
>> Anthony wrote:
>>> If I take notes of which parts I find least intuitive (the parts I
>>> have to RTFM about, like how to reopen those right-side toolbarish
>>> windows), would anyone be interested in them?
>> Yes, concrete ideas for improvement would be appreciated.
> I'd like to recall an UI-"idea" already mentioned some years ago: get
> rid of the icons in the lower left and have the windows/tabs on the
> right turned on and off with a new menu on the top: "windows" or
> similar. This is IMHO how most programs handle this.

That was the first place I looked.  I think the standard is to call it
"Window", and put it to the left of "Help".  It would probably be a
helpful addition even if you want to keep the icons.

I'm pretty sure I remember having this happen to me in the past and I
wound up closing the program and opening it back up again :).

> These icons tend
> to be confusing for beginners and the more plugins you have installed,
> the worse it gets (you have to scroll because they have filled up the
> left border).

Ah, plugins.  That explains why there's that weird "> >" thing on the
bottom that doesn't show/hide the toolbar but rather shows/hides the
button which shows/hides the toolbar!

Err, something like that.  Playing with it a bit more, apparently it
shows/hides the button *and* shows/hides the toolbar.

Anyway, now that I've figured out how the toolbarish thingies work,
and figured out how to download the current screen (just click
download, then click OK), maybe I'm on my way to learning how to stop
worrying and love the JOSM.  Thanks to those of you who called me a
troll for not loving JOSM.  And thanks to Frederik for defending the
notion that someone might not like JOSM.  That good cop bad cop thing
seems to have worked.

I even figured out how to add USGS high res ortho yesterday.

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