On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:37:19AM +0000, Thomas Davie wrote:

> As an aside – I only recently ticked the box because I had in error
> thought that I'd done it a long time ago.  Perhaps it would be
> intelligent to nag users more about moving over.  If we really want to
> push it, simply state that we won't accept more contributions until
> they accept the ODbL.

Please don’t confuse people who don’t accept the ODbL (plus DbCL) with
those who don’t accept the CTs plus the ODbL (plus the DbCL).  The ODbL,
IMO, is a good fit, the CTs aren’t (although I have to admit not having
evaluated the most recent revision yet).

Not that it makes any difference to the general agreement/non‐agreement
of OSM’s terms.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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