On 25 March 2011 05:49, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> The problem is, any fork under the existing licence can continue without
> problem.  Any fork under the new licence, cannot use any data unless the
> user who contributed that data can/will give them 100% rights.  Those
> against the ODbL can fork any time, and continue with the data under a
> CC licence without worrying about relicencing someone elses data.  Those
> in favour of the ODbl have to ensure the data they hold can be
> relicenced.

Not true. ODbL licensed data *can* be forked at any time without
asking anyone for their blessing.

I don't see how you come to the conclusion otherwise. The Licensing
Working Group consulted with a lawyer during drafting of the ODbL to
ensure that the ODbL licensed content would be forkable.


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