Hi all,

With the CTs/ODbL upon us, I was wondering about the tiles on the default layer on the OSM web page. The license change is based on the premise that CC-BY-SA is not appropriate for data*. The LWG are pushing to drop the CC-BY-SA license for data extracted from OSM and go with a single license**. My question is are we keeping the CC-BY-SA license for OSM tiles, which is a "produced work" under ODbL? or would be better to change?

My opinion is we should stay with a standard license for tiles that makes interoperability with other data easy. Therefore we should stay within the creative commons family of licenses as being very mainstream. We might want to move to a more liberal license though - from CC-BY-SA to CC-BY or CC0. I am involved with two projects in Kent, UK that require tracing the location of new features over a map - and at the moment I don't recommend SA licensed tiles for that. This forces me into OS's arms with their BY type OpenData. I would prefer to use a crowd sourced map that is not SA for tiles. (Unless I can trace over OSM tiles without violating the current tile license, which I don't think is possible.)

Any thoughts?


PS I could try to argue that "OSM is a data project" so the tiles should be licensed as liberally as possible, but even _I_ don't buy that argument!

* this is disputed but ignored for now
** I strongly oppose this, but moving on

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