> From: Andrew Errington [mailto:a.erring...@lancaster.ac.uk]
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Moderating / Quality checking OSM contributions
> I thought this was foolish at the time, and it still is.
> highway=* should match the classification given by the government or
> roading authority, and should match whatever type of road is on the road
> sign.  This is entirely objective.  To do otherwise is subjective- if
> two mappers are presented with the same road one might say "This is a
> major road, it's highway=primary", but another might say "This is a
> fairly major road, but it's not very busy.  It's highway=secondary".
> Instead, look at the badge on the sign.  In the wiki should be a mapping
> from road designation (on a roadsign) to highway=* tag.  After all,
> nobody disagrees what highway=motorway means, so why open the other
> types to interpretation?
> I don't know for sure, but I expect that the initial list of road
> classifications were derived from UK Ordnance Survey classifications:
> In my opinion highway=* should match the visible government
> classification.  Next, if we add lanes=*, width=* and maxspeed=* then
> other people (or other people's software) can adjust the importance of
> any segment of the road based on objective data, not subjective
> interpretation.

Not all regions have meaningful government classifications.

BC has only one highway classification. If you were to tag based on
government classification you would have 2-4 classifications. One for local
residential, commercial and industrial roads, potentially 1-2 for collector
roads, and one for highways, be they single lane or major motorways.

The tagging here is remarkably consistent and bears no relation to what it
would be if we tagged solely on government classification. I've been working
on documenting it (currently at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Pnorman/BC_Tagging) but haven't had
time to complete it and present it to talk-ca@.

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