A number of you have probably already seen CLEANMAP in its original incarnation as announced on Christmas. I've now expanded it to cover the whole planet and have made some further changes (odbl=clean support for example).

Please read the wiki page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CLEANMAP for details and updates.

The map can be found here http://cleanmap.poole.ch/ , please take into account that this is a small and slow machine.

Further I've just ran the weekly update for the statistics on http://odbl.poole.ch/, over the past week the number of "pre-CT" mappers* that accepted the CTs grew to an absolute majority. While this doesn't have any legal meaning, it is nonetheless a significant signal.


* this is based on the number of mappers that still hand visible data in the last full history dump, current numbers would be even a bit better.

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