On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Ramiro Cosentino <ramaug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/4/27 Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com>
>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Ramiro Cosentino <ramaug...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hello list,
>> >
>> > I'm new to OSM and I love it! Not sure if this is the right list to post
>> > about this
>> > but here it goes:
>> You'd probably be better off asking on the dev list.
> Ok! Thanks for the tip, Serge!
>> > I'm doing is a mobile app with offline maps feature.
>> >
>> > There are a set of locations with their respective lon/lat already
>> > stored on
>> > the phone's DB
>> > and I'd like to show the locations the user has near by.
>> You say "locations the user has nearby" but I'm not sure what you mean
>> by location. Do you mean a point of interest? A city? Something else?
>> Can you explain what a "location" is in this context?
> Yes, sure. What I mean is I have different pre-loaded locations
> (restaurants, hotels, etc. ) already stored with their lon/lat
> on the phone's database, and I'd like to show all of them which are in the
> range of, let's say, 20 blocks
> near the user's current location.
> I hope I was clearer this time.

Two things come to mind for me.

First, the distance calculation does not require OSM.  If you
generalize 20 blocks or whatever as n-meters you can calculate
crow-flies distance with only the lat-lons.  Of course, if your want
to route over roads (pedestrian paths) and calculate that distance,
having the OSM data is really helpful.

Second, if the phone has a list of POIs, I wonder if some of them
should also be in the OpenStreetMap data base?  Are these
generally-interesting POIs or POIs that should not be included in OSM?

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