1. No, in this case Russian name should be in name:ru only. Since the
official language is Ukrainian this should be used.
2. The area should not be limited by sq km but by independent
administrative body (country or its autonomous part). If there is
official language, this should be used, if there is not one the most
common should be it.

Generally only name:language keys should be used in my opinion. It
does not cause editing wars - this issue is moved to rendering, which
is far easier to control. Even in undisputed areas there is added
information about the language...


2012/7/25 Peteris Krisjanis <pec...@gmail.com>:
> (Skipping all this, because obviously you are not that well informed
> about how this situation with Ukraine came into being)
>> So, my questions to you are
>> 1. The concrete question: Should all name tag in the Crimea be in
>> Russian (with appropriate name:uk tags of course), even though the
>> official language in Ukraine is Ukrainian?
> Oficial language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. Even Russia doesn't dispute
> that. So, *in my opinion*, no.
>> 2. The general question: What exactly is the "local" language in an area
>> - can we come up with some rule of thumb that says "if X% of people in
>> an area of at least Y sq km use the language..." or so?
> I think it always have been local *official* language.
> As always, for other languages, including Russian, there is name:ru=*
> tag.
> Cheers,
> Peter.
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