Am 28.09.2012 18:16, schrieb Mike:
> Let's say, someone prepares data by recording it in the field, and
> then adds another value to data by sorting it out, fixing it and
> adding more information and details. And then he wants to include that
> data to OpenStreetMap.
> What is mean of giving proper author attribution? All I can see is
> that OpenStreetMap is presented in copyright notes, not actual
> authors. The only way I found out to see author attribution is to
> download openstreet data and then search there.
> I understand that making attribution to all authors at once is problem
> due to large number of involved authors, but there should be some way
> to give proper attribution to real persons who contribute to
> OpenStreetMap.

Well forgetting about the minor issue that we  don't  have access to the
real names, I don't see any reason why you couldn't build a service that
given a bounding box returns a list of contributors in that area. The
easy way would be to take a full history planet dump and produce a
static DB of contributors from than (see Pascal Neis hdyc service) it
would be a bit more tricky to keep it up date automatically but
completely doable if you want to undertake the effort, more power to you.


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