On 18.10.2012 15:02, THEVENON Julien wrote:
it means that we cannot distribute raw data coming from Cadastre alone.
We are allowed to distribute them only if they are part of composite dataset/work ( = mixed with data coming from other sources ) and only if we add to them the information that they are coming from cadastre and the year of cadastre ( = our tag source= Cadastres.... 2012 ) So the integration in OSM with the source tag by French contributor made them part of a composite dataset with cadastre attribution so this is fine.
Hmmm...  That sounds very problematic to me.   :-(

Just doing a thought experiment:
* Cadastre data are imported including this source tag
* somebody removes (or overwrites) for what reason ever the source tag at last of some buildings (none in the french community can guarantee that this doesn't happen) * no one can expect that every lonesome mapper knows about the special requirement for this special source tag and leaves it attached
* a normal planet is generated (not a flll history planet) and distributed,
* nobody using the planet in aware about this special cadastre-situation using the houses as no information is present inside. * the situation gets even worser is for what reason ever the houses with removed source tag are seperated out of DB and distributed as planet extract as a new DB just under ODBL.

_For me:_ the planet from above is illegal because some illegal data are included. This could cause a lot of problems to the OSMF. Who in the french community is willing to cover the risk?
BTW: this new DB is even more illegal.   :-(

Just my 2 cents,

PS: and you (= the french community) are not even willing to use seperate accounts for such an hazardous import... :-(

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