Robin Paulson <> writes:

> i've done some quite detailed editing near where i live, i'd
> appreciate anyone who is interested taking a look and responding.
> i'm not sure what to make of the result. for one, my partner, a
> non-mapper, has told me she finds it very confusing, which potentially
> raises questions

I think it's important to separate what should be in the database vs
what should be rendered.

I find the rendering symbol for access=private ways to be unpleasing,
because they have more visual weight than accessible ways.  I'd rather
see them kind of greyed out.  I also think the 'access denied' coloring
is in appropriate for ways that people wouldn't expect to be able to
use, as opposed to ways where such rendering (to make the tagging known)
has more communicative value.  As always, I like to go back to the USGS
topo maps; there driveways are thin lines without any 'danger stay out'

The fences are confusing because people are used to seeing lot lines,
and fences look almost like lot lines, but not quite.  And because
fences look like lines that perhaps driveways should look like.  Again,
a rendering issue as the default style is extended to show more
elements, and I think it really points out that one size fits all for
rendering can't be pleasing to everyone.

I'm not sure what I think of the tree dots.  Again going back to USGS
topo maps, I find it nice to know wooded (green tint) vs open (white
background) areas.  This has to me far more information transfer than
tree dots.  But I think it's good that the trees are in the db.

Finally, I get the impression (didn't look at imagery) that buildings
are less complete than fences.  That may contribute to the confusion. 

As a rendering nit, I find that the no-acess tint on the driveways
extends into the middle of the navigable road, and that feels wrong, but
I don't know how hard it is to fix.

I would encourage you to set up your own rendering stack and play with
alternatives.   I haven't done that, but it's on my todo list.

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