Hi Pawel,

Could it be possible to integrate the user classification visible here ( 
http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/oooc) by example by adding the same coloured man 
icon on the right of OSM User link.
IMHO it could be very usefull to know if an edit has been done by a new user of 
a senior user

my 2 cents

> De : Paweł Paprota <ppa...@fastmail.fm>
>À : talk@openstreetmap.org 
>Envoyé le : Vendredi 4 janvier 2013 0h01
>Objet : [OSM-talk] New History tab for openstreetmap.org (beta)
>Hi all,
>For some time now I've been working on the OpenStreetMap Watch List project[1] 
>and on integrating OWL into the main OSM website.
>At this point I've got something slowly approaching beta status and I would 
>appreciate early feedback from the community.
>You can see it in action here:
>Couple of things:
>* Zoom levels >= 14 should be usable. On lower zoom levels it sometimes takes 
>a lot of time to show history. Also I don't have clear idea yet what to really 
>show on the lower zoom levels - what would be useful - so suggestions are 
>* I'm actively working on this instance so don't be surprised when something 
>breaks or there is no data at all etc. - it's a beta version :-)
>* You can click on nodes/ways in the map to get more details about changes :-)
>Any comments are welcome.
>[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OWL_(OpenStreetMap_Watch_List)
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