
during preparation of the Antarctica coastline import [1] i had also 
contacted the SCAR for possible use of the ADD [2] and got a positive 
reply while we were doing the MOA import.  I here want to introduce 
this data source and discuss plans for import into OSM.

About the data:

The Antarctic Digital Database contains geographic data from various 
sources assembled and maintained by the SCAR - the organization that 
coordinates scientific activities in Antarctica under the Antarctic 

Of interest for OSM are:

- coastlines and shelf ice extent, more detailed (especially many more 
small islands) and more up-to-date (especially ice shelf changes) than 
the previously imported MOA data
- data for the ice free areas (currently mostly unmapped in OSM)
- moraines, lakes and streams
- research stations and airfields (most of these are probably already in 
- historic sites

Some more information on the data can be found in my blog post [3].

The import:

the amount of data is quite large so it needs to be split into smaller 
chunks for import - the tiling planned can be found on [4].  I set up a 
conversion for the data and produced a few sample files that can be 
downloaded and reviewed [5].  Once the conversion rules are finalized i 
will convert all tiles and make them available for distributed import.

To discuss:

The rules for tagging i used can be found on [5] - this is what 
seems appropriate to me - feel free to suggest changes.  One thing i 
was not sure about is how to best apply a natural=* tag to a small 
island (a closed way already tagged natural=coastline).  I see three 

1) duplicate the way
2) tag natural=coastline;whatever
3) create a multipolygon relation containing a single way with natural=*

I used option 3 but i could not find any definitive answer to this 
question so i will leave it open for discussion.



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Antarctica/Import_2013
[2] http://www.add.scar.org/
[3] http://blog.imagico.de/more-antarctica-mapping/
[4] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Antarctic_Digital_Database
[5] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Antarctic_Digital_Database/Data

Christoph Hormann

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