Frederik Ramm wrote:

it has been proposed to make the newly released iD v1.1 the default editor on, meaning that if someone doesn't explicitly chose an editor they will open iD instead of Potlatch.

In an attempt to put some numbers to to the "errors made by new mappers" debate, I've done a count-back of new users and editors that they use for they area that I keep an eye on in the UK (England and bits of Wales, not including bits that I'm unfamiliar with such as London and the south-east)

During the last month in this area:

P2  iD  JOSM Other (Wheelmap / Go Map! / POI+)
Made no newbie errors            34  17     3 3
Made at least one newbie error   40  16     1 3
Made more serious errors          5   0     1      0

Where I've noticed that a mapper used both iD and P2 I've counted them in both columns.

"Newbie errors" on Potlatch include things like nodes duplicating ways, and unjoined ways.

"Newbie errors" on iD include things like unexpected deletions and changing "thing X" to be "thing y"when "thing x" still exists.

"More serious errors" are things like doodles (including people trying to draw bike routes using MQ's Potlatch), misinterpreting imagery to draw roads that don't exist / add roads that aren't there and one of the perennial "delete things to make printed map nicer". People who have chosen iD or JOSM have chosen a different editor to the default - I suspect that the doodlers aren't making errors because they're using Potlatch; they're doing it because they don't know what OSM _is_. They're the easiest errors to fix, though.

FWIW I've not noticed a greater proportion of messed up relations with either P2 or iD. The area that I'm looking at has less of those than e.g. central London, though. This period largely predates relations in the iD UI.


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