There are two issues here.

The first is the accuracy of the data and the second is tagging.

For data, we in OSM prefer primary source data That is someone going
to a location and verifying the information. We also allow information
such as satellite imagery to be used, but again, in this case there is
a user looking at the imagery and verifying that the data is accurate
(or at least as accurate as the imagery).

In this case, the data appears to be either from another source, or
else its user generated.That would qualify as an import, which must go
through an import process and follow the import guidelines.

Discussing tagging seems secondary to me when the issue of "Does this
data qualify as imported data or not" still exists.

We've had a number of issues with Bitcoin mapping in OSM, including
people copying directly from Google Maps (copyright violations),
people using geocoded addresses from Google or other providers
(copyright again), people using Nominatim to determine the location in
areas where our coverage is poor (poor quality data), data not  being
validated (users not knowing for certain if bitcoin is an acceptable

If you're the author of this tool, you will need to explain all this
and come to a resolution if you wish to continue to use OSM as a
repository for this data.

- Serge

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