On 30/06/2014 22:23, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
We are currently considering dropping the rendering of access=permissive (currently rendered as green dashes) from openstreetmap-carto, the main map on opensteetmap.org <http://opensteetmap.org>.

What would be useful would be some comments from the authors of these changes about what they think the "standard map" is actually _for_. Previously the story was that it was "for mappers", but that seems to be no longer the case.

I've seen very little written justification for this series of changes. The nearest on the previous change (https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/542) was "but I've seen a few "abandoned" railway lines being rendered diagonally across well mapped housing estates, and it looks terrible." - which is no justification at all; you could use a similar argument in favour of not rendering natural=beach because people use it on golf courses.

That's not to say that you _couldn't_ make an argument in favour of the "standard" style becoming an "Open Mapquest Lite" - for map consumers rather than for map makers - but something needs to replace it, so that new mappers can see the results of their efforts. Or maybe mappers are no longer such a rare resource that we don't need to encourage them any more?



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