On 2014-11-04 at 15:03:59 +0100, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:
> WHO data [1] does not corroborate it. Both countries have comparable
> litres per capita per year.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption

litres per capita drunk aren't very indicative of the way the presence 
of alcool at an event is related to social pressure at drinking; 
it is a bad indicator for lots of other things, actually, 
since it is expecially bad at distinguing between a population 
of mostly moderate drinkers and one where people are mostly 
at the extremes of the scale (either non-drinkers or heavy drinkers).

I also feel that it is probably more of a problem in some cultures than 
in others: at all of the FLOSS social events I've been in Italy alcool 
was plenty, but the emphasis was on food [1]_ and a significant 
minority (me included) didn't drink without receiving any comment.

.. [1] here there may have been some discrimination, in that vegetarians 
       were provided for, but do suffer some social stigma.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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