On 23/07/2015 19:49, Lester Caine wrote:
On 23/07/15 19:34, Andy Townsend wrote:
It's actually "farmland" rather than farm, and therefore tagged
correctly.  If it was me I'd use a lightly colour for farmland so that
farmyards (also tagged correctly in that area) stand out a bit more
(obligatory "Blue Peter"** link http://imgur.com/L6l2g3z * to compare
with http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/12/2028/1348.png ).
The legend says 'Farm', and 'Farmyard' is a distinct land use from
farmland, so they should be distinguishable, and while we don't 'tag for
the renderer' ....

Oh, _that_ legend:


You can argue whether or not populating most of England with
landuse=farmland is a good use of anyone's time, but you can't argue
that it's wrong :)
What is needed is proper tagging of fields rather than adding random
areas of 'farmland' where the land outside of that is also farmland
anyway. So yes I would argue that some of these areas are wrong when
they have some arbitrary boundary through the middle of farmland.

FWIW I personally tend to only add landuse when I've surveyed and added all the gates, stiles, gaps, hedges, walls, fences etc. - but it's an entirely personal choice.



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