I guess there would be no objections to someone adding
addr:w3w:en=nice.place.here ? Or addr:w3w=en:nice.place.here ? 

Surely the established addressing systems are also closed and
proprietary, in the sense that some organisation with a sanctioned
monopoly tells YOU what your address is - you cannot just make it up
yourself. Street naming, postal codes etc are definitely in this
category. We have been crowdsourcing postcodes for years without

Integration with nominatim for example, which will need to use the w3w
API, is a different subject as this would need licensing. 

On 2015-11-22 11:46, Paul Norman wrote: 

> On 11/22/2015 2:39 AM, Colin Smale wrote: 
>> I have heard a few times recently about what3words, a new novel 
>> coordinate/addressing system for the whole world.
>> Could/should we be doing anything to support/facilitate/implement this 
>> system in OSM?
> No. Other people might talk about the numerous problems how what3words 
> doesn't do what it claims to accomplish or flaws in the technical 
> implementation, but there's a much simpler reason why it doesn't belong on 
> osm.org: It's a closed proprietary system that others can't reuse.
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