There is now a wiki page. I initially added the content of Roland's email.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2016, 3:02 AM malenki <> wrote:

> On Wed, 03 Feb 2016 22:06:32 +0000,
> Dave F wrote:
> > So often I'm put off from delving further into OSM & its uses by the
> > confusing nature of it's wiki pages.
> >
> > A simple example:
> >
> >
> >
> > Why is it headed as 'Attic Data'?
> Obviously because the developer named the feature "Attic Data".
> > Why is there no explanation of it's meaning? After too much time
> > using google I find it means old information. Why not say that?
> > Wouldn't 'historical snapshot' be a bit clearer?
> A year ago I would liked to have found an explanation of "Attic
> Data" too, since the average OSM user knows it from the OSM website as
> "history" or "chronic" (German). If the term "history" would at least
> have been placed near "Attic Data" I would have found it by full text
> searching the wiki page.
> I was unable to connect "OSM history" and "Attic Data", even with using
> search engines. I had to ask on IRC and as I was told I was looking for
> "Attic Data" I thought 'WTF! what a stupid name! Nobody ever will find
> that in the wiki'
> I've added an explanation by now; hopefully it will be considered
> helpful:
> Why didn't you do it? :)
> > Please remember wiki/help pages are mainly read by inexperienced
> > users
> Define the "inexperienced user", please.
> I am nearly totally inexperienced in programming but even JOSM has
> a built-in interface to query the Overpass API.
> With overpass turbo and its wizard you need very little experience of
> whatsoever to create a successful query.
> >who aren't fully aware of all the latest hip language (that
> > often goes out of fashion 6 months later).
> Well, since this is a name of a feature of a wide- and heavily used
> tool I doubt that it is part of a fashion hipster language.
> > Please keep all wiki pages plain & simple.
> You can help doing this, too.
> hth
> Thomas
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