On 26/02/2016 21:09, Mike Thompson wrote:

appear to be of very poor quality, or out right vandalism.

How should this be handled?

In this particular case, the changeset comments suggest it's a remote HOT project ("#hotosm-project-1401#MissingMaps #CHAI Source=WorldView-2, Digital Globe, NextView, 28 Sep 2013"), so I'd probably mention it on the #hot IRC channel. They may be able to pin down where the edits were made from and work out who the instructors / supervisors of the "missing maps" session was (if it was one of their "group edit" sessions). Notwithstanding "Doodle the Dog", I would cut new mappers a bit of slack though - I'm sure my first 27 edits were a bit rubbish too.

On the more general point, especially where mappers don't seem to be "getting the hang of things" after extended periods editing, I'd just try and concentrate on what they need to do to get from where they are to where everyone would like them to be. This normally means things like "zoom in a bit before editing" and "don't over-trace from aerial imagery if you're not sure what it is".

It is difficult though - we have a process for dealing with vandalism (which is thankfully rare) that works well*, but as a project we deal less well with edits that are well-meaning but "just a bit rubbish". We are getting better though - http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-discussions is full of people being polite, helpful and trying to make especially new users better mappers.



* as Chris said, email the data working group (which is actually d...@osmfoundation.org).
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