On 16-03-22 14:53:42, Christoph Hormann, wrote 1.9K characters saying:
On Tuesday 22 March 2016, Frank Villaro-Dixon wrote:

# Why ?
Well, OSM has a quite exhaustive lakes/water surfaces database, but
it's a complete pain to work on because:
        * Some non closed ways have a natural=water or a water=* tag,
        which makes no sense and is forbidden.
        * Attributes (natural, water, name, intermittent) are in the
        relation and in the way itself, which is anti normal form (and not

# First goal:
First goal is quite simple. The idea is to work only on relations
which have a natural=water .  Then, it will:
        * Delete natural=water from all the ways if they are NOT closed or
        ring 0.
        * delete the corresponding water=x IF the relation has the same

Mappers frequently map things in ambiguous ways or change existing
mapping in ways that make it ambiguous and it is hard to decide from
the data alone how to interpret such mapping.  A bot will not be any
better in doing that than a human mapper and you would destroy any
chance of actually determining the original intent of the mapper with
such edits.
Can you give me an example ?

This algorithm won't loose any information. It's merely deleting duplicates, so where is the problem ?

frank.villaro-dixon.eu       - PGP: 6F36914A
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