So to sum up there are router solutions that are flexible enough to be
configured with what is in the map except for walking across a pedestrian
polygon so highways=track isn't a problem to them.  Cycling across a car
park doesn't seem to work either by the way.

We have a desperate need for knowledgable mappers on local road conditions
in Africa preferably locals on the grounds that they know the local
conditions best and hopefully over time they can clean up the map and retag
highways to an appropriate  tag.  Hopefully they can add a few cafes with
internet access as they go.

LearnOSM does include a reference to the African highway wiki entry so the
information is available in five languages all we need is mappers who read
instructions before mapping but that is a generic problem.

Thank you all for the input.

Cheerio John

On 2 November 2016 at 08:19, Maarten Deen <> wrote:

> On 2016-11-02 12:17, Lester Caine wrote:
>> On 02/11/16 11:04, Milo van der Linden wrote:
>>> As a devops I understand your pain ;-) but for OSRM, I found that using
>>> docker and staying on a fixed  docker version for OSRM makes the pain a
>>> lot easier.  You say you are using GPS in the car, do you also have a
>>> OSRM server running in the car? And is this server docker-ready? Because
>>> then I would strongly suggest you follow the instructions at
>>> it works like a charm for
>>> me.
>> OSMAnd can be switched to use OSRM I think, but that requires a reliable
>> wireless broadband on the android phone, something that is becoming
>> worse rather than better. Even driving down the M5 I get gaps in
>> reception, so everything has to be local, which OSMAnd does a good job
>> of for most things ... just not B/unclassified roads :(
>> Docker is yet another infrastructure tool to get ones head around ...
> And to name another option you could use (and have to learn):
> has an android app that can be used as routing engine for OSMAnd. You can
> configure it to your liking, but I'm not entirely sure the car routing is
> up to scratch. I use it for my bicycle routing.
> For the rest: I share your pain about OSMAnd.
> Maarten
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