> Interesting, I didn't know such patrolling took place at a country scale in
> OSM. Have you revert/re-map stats?

  No, such stats are not collected. And it would be hard to do that,
because it is not yes/no. Sometimes it's just a minor problem,
sometimes it is something much worse. Until appearance of infamous new
"editor" full reverts were very rare. It was mostly

> However with your point 1)you have an idea.
> How about a service rendering the area affected by an edit before 'commit'?
> This preview could be the place for an additional warning about the the live
> DB.

  Point 1) (change->test->commit) was about doing testing/approving
BEFORE the change gets to "final" database, before it is visible to
others/maps etc. So this is (in my opinion) not acceptable for open
project. Option 1 is only used in 2nd level - derivative


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