On Tuesday 03 October 2017, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Did your proposal also extend to geoemtries? You said something about
> bot:* tags, but if a bot were to orthogonalize an existing building,
> would it then have to create a copy of that tagged
> "bot:building=yes"? And how could that be differentiated from a
> building that originally had building=YES and the bot only lowercased
> the tag value?

My original idea was only about tags but it could be extended to 
geometries of course - as i sketched in my reply to Martin, which would 
essentially mean creating a copy for the building a bot orthogonalizes 
if the building already has a manual building=yes tag.  If the bot only 
changes the tag the building would remain a normal hand mapped geometry 
but would get a bot:building=yes in addition to the building=YES.

Of course duplicating geometry data would make it much more difficult 
for data users to make decisions about selectively using data and it 
would make it much more difficult for editors to allow mappers to edit 
the data correctly.  This is why i originally suggested this only for 
tags - after all the vast majority of bot edits are tag modifications 
only, geometry edits by bots are technically much more complicated to 
do right so they happen less frequently.

As already said - if this approach is not considered favorably it is 
always possible to use the other method and forbid bots to touch 
anything with a bot=no tag and thereby allow mappers to opt out of bot 
edits on a case-by-case basis.

Christoph Hormann

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