W dniu 27.10.2017 o 08:36, Warin pisze:

The landuse key is clearly to tag the use of the land by humans.

It's also to indicate use of the water, hence it's not 100% clear and I understand why some people don't like it.

The natural key is unclear - it seams to be for both things made by nature and things made by man! To me this confused all and the key should be discouraged. It should be replaced by the keys landcover and landform, these have no implication of human or nature but simply describe the type of feature.

Let's look at natural=tree - it doesn't matter if the tree was seeded by man or by natural means, the tree is natural object, which was not created by man (even GMO is about _modyfying_, not creating). There can be however man_made=tree - we have a popular artwork in Warsaw, which is a palm made of plastic (tagging has changed, but it's a nice example):


Landcover is neutral (what one can see on the surface). I like it because it's closest to the "ground truth", and is very useful when we don't know more details. However we could promote "surface" tag as a primary and it would also make sense for me (currently it's defined as additional tag: "used to provide additional information about the physical surface of roads/footpaths and some other features").

I have no idea what "landform" can be, so I don't have an opinion on that.

However "natural" key for trees ( https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/natural=trees maybe?) sounds perfectly valid for me.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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