2018-01-23 11:57 GMT+01:00 Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk>:

> from my understanding, you should not use "addr:street" for the estate,
>> I'd suggest "addr:place".
> NO ... the postal element "addr:street" is 'Weston Industrial Estate' so
> building a postal address from addr: elements needs that element. The
> adjacent road does not form part of the address.

NO, if there isn't a street with this name you must not use addr:street.
That's the kind of situation for which addr:place was introduced.

> However larger estates with multiple roads will have the name of the
> estate separate. Using "addr:place" if it is displayed before
> "addr:street", but other uses of "addr:place" need it AFTER street.

you are confusing the data and the format in which this data is locally
expected to be displayed. You should not enter the data in a way that is
wrong just to have the formatted address in one tool in an order that is
common for your area.

> Construction of an address from addr: elements should be consistent but
> *IS* something that will have a different template for each country, and
> adding more addr: fields just complicates that template? This is what is
> currently not documented?
> I don't like the idea that addr:number could be a housename, there is
>> addr:housename for this.
> My point here is to loose the confusing mess and just have "addr:number"
> and then ->
> addr:property might be an option, if you deem addr:place inappropriate

addr:place is used for situations where an address doesn't have a street
name, but is referring to a place.
addr:property doesn't make sense to me, but maybe I am not aware of your
situation. Is something speaking against adding a place=neighbourhood to
the settlement part with the name "Weston Industrial Estate"? i.e. this
one: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/83270098
The current way of mapping is like drawing a landuse=residential around a
village. It is done, but it is medium scale mapping. If you detail this
further, it will break.

For reference: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:place

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