25. May 2018 20:17 by frede...@remote.org <mailto:frede...@remote.org>:

> I think the key here is, like so often, verifiability. Things in OSM
> must be verifiable, and I'd like to add "... with reasonable effort by
> an average person". If something is verifiable only with expensive
> special gear by a person with a doctorate in physics, then maybe OSM is
> not the place. Same with recurring things - if their frequency is so low
> that the effort to verify them becomes unreasonable, then don't map.

I completely agree with that.


> My gut feeling is that something that happens once a week is reasonably
> easy to verify. Something that happens once a month, mmh, maybe ok.
> Something that happens once a year is, in my opinion, too hard to verify
> and should be left out.

I would expect limit somewhere between "once a month" and "once a year".

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