Am Sa., 7. Dez. 2019 um 03:03 Uhr schrieb Nuno Caldeira <>:
Michal, LWG guidelines won't solve lack of attribution.

Nuno, you are so right. It has been years now, that Facebook and others are
ignoring the attribution requirements, and we have been asked to wait since
at least the beginning of the year for the new attribution guidelines from
Regardless of what the guidelines will propose (and no idea why it takes so
long), no (or no visible) attribution is likely not an option (LWG can only
tell us their interpretation of the license details, but as the license
clearly demands for visible attribution, I do not think this can be
questioned in general, or is it?).

I would suggest the new board will take on this as soon as they are
elected, based on the current guidelines, so that the pressure is taken
away from LWG to come up ASAP with an updated interpretation of the
details, and they can work with no pressure until they have a satisfying
result to present to board.

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