apart from the issue "international objects receive a tag 'name' with an English value", there are other ways in which you see how we're letting USA-UK patronize the rest.

the latest example in my experience would be the 'sac_scale' tagging.  it comes from the SAC-CAS classification, of the Schweizer Alpen-Club/Club Alpino Svizzero/Club Alpin Suisse/Club Alpin Svizzer, yet OSM held the discussion in English, and it not only chose `sac_scale` for the tag name, it also decided not to use the Swiss codes T1..T6 (language independent), but the English version of the human readable explanation for the codes: T1 (hiking/escursione/randonnée/Wandern) .. T6 (difficult alpine hiking/escursione alpina difficile/randonnée alpine difficile/schwieriges Alpinwandern).

a more important issue (I would call it "mapping outside Europe", hence the subject) is for me each and every (photo)graphic explanation of the tagging values.  take `highway` (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway).  text are fine, really, but the associated pictures seem all taken in Europe, or North America, they have more chances to confuse the mapper based in Africa or South America, than helping them.

in Panama many roads are classified as 'camino de verano', they look like highway:track, but are really highway:unclassified with an extra indication for the months where they are expected to be passable.  maybe can be solved in the wiki by changing the link to the picture into a link to several pictures, but I'm afraid that we need to address this in the standard renderer as well: users also expect some of the information to be reflected in the rendering, explaining why so many mappers still use highway:track despite one repeating "don't map for the renderer".

in Morocco (and I guess elsewhere too) we have small towns with undeveloped areas, crossed by paths with residential function, or large cities with extremely narrow alleys, again with residential function.  these have been solved by different mappers in different ways, leading to very inconsistent mapping, in particular where there isn't a local, assertive, mappers' community.  (Morocco and Panama are two such cases, Colombia is much better in this aspect.)

Wow. That’s quite impressive examples. I fully agree that this Europe-centrism might lead to issues in the future. I remembered being quite confused when I first read the documentation for crossing ways, as they are all following UK’s naming system (which I’ve never heard before). They are well-documented, so I guess that it’s fine. But I understand what you mean: the “name” tag issue may not be the most relevant in this family of issues.

This might indicate that the people discussing in this mailing list are from a very specific background, possibly caused by the language of the mailing list itself.

At the same time, I have to admit that I don’t feel like there are that much pictures on the documentation. I was for instance surprised that there was no picture for the “minimap” tag in the wiki (I fixed this in the meantime ☺). So it might be something that we can easily improve step by step ☺

I’m not sure what to conclude here. I guess that being conscious of the Europe-centrism issue during discussions might help? Or that we may need to look for volunteers to complete the OSM wiki with additional pictures from non-Europe/North America? I will look at the pictures I took back to been I lived in Chile and Brazil… but as I wasn’t into OSM then, I won’t have much useful 😔​


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